BTS Rock of Ages Fest

A BTS Fic Fest Dedicated to '80s Music


Interest CheckNov 15th
Prompting PeriodDec 1st-Dec 24th
Claiming PeriodStarts dec 30th
Writing PeriodDec 30th-aug 5th
Check Inmay 1st
Submissions DueAug 5th
Fic RevealsAug 30th
Author RevealsSept 5th


How many prompts can I create?
Each prompter can create up to 10 prompts in the fest.

How many prompts can I claim?
Each writer can claim up to two prompts.

Can I self-prompt?
Yes! We will be adding slots for self-prompts to our collection when claiming opens.

What are required themes for my fic?
Each prompt/submission should include or be inspired by a song or songs from the 1980s. the fic can follow the story of the song itself or take inspiration from it. the fic title should either by the song name or a line from a song.

Is there a minimum word count for writers?
There is a minimum word count of 1K words for each submission.

What are the Content Restictions?
This fest will not allow underaged sex, pedophilia, incest, beastiality, noncon/rape, cis mpreg or abusive relationships

Are there restrictions for minors?
Minors are not allowed to participate in this fest. Prompting, claiming, and writing will involve NSFW concepts that should not be accessed by minors. Our twitter page will also interact with NSFW posts and create NSFW games/activities.

Does my submission have to be NSFW?
Absolutely not! All ratings of fics are allowed as long as they follow the writing guide.

Are there restrictions in terms of ships?
Absolutely not! All BTS ships are allowed, including poly ships.

How do I make a prompt?
Please see our prompting guide.

How do I make a claim?
Please see our writing guide.

How do I submit my finished fic?
Please see our writing guide.

How do I drop out of the fest?
Please let us know if you need to drop out of the fest as soon as you are able. Please fill out the drop-out form on our forms page here.

fest info

the rock of ages is a fest to celebrate 80s music!all fics will be inspired by or follow the storyline of songs from the 1980s. prompters and writers can decide on the song, genre, and resulting tropes (within fest guidelines). the fics should share the title of, or a line from, a song from the 80s.All ships and storylines are welcome, as long as they follow the fest prompting and writing guides!

fest mods


Mint - Mod 🐺 - they/them@sugardaddyhobi
SugarDaddyHobi (ao3)
Favourite 80s song:
don't fear (the reaper)


Jen - Mod 🎸 - she/her@20thcentfox
20thcenturyfox (ao3)
Favourite 80s song :
come on eileen
(Note - pfp made by @starboyjimin (twt))


  • Limit of 10 prompts per person

  • Self prompts will be added when claiming opens

  • Include your Do Wants and Do Not Wants in your prompt

  • Keep your prompts to as few sentences as possible. This will give writers room to be creative!

  • No top/bottom requests

  • Any prompt that contains fest content restrictions will be deleted


  • One (1) writer per prompt (Except for self-prompts)

  • Each writer can claim up to two (2) prompts

  • Submit a Claim Form once you claim your prompts on AO3; if you do not, your claim will be deleted

  • Minimum word count of 1K

  • WIPs are allowed

  • All BTS ships are welcome

  • All ratings are okay

  • All works must be tagged appropriately

  • Please check the Content Restrictions in our FAQ

  • Keep in mind the Do Wants and Do Not Wants on your claims

  • If there are any questions on content in your fic, please reach out to us